The link above is a direct link to their store. The AC programs can be purchased for High School and Middle School math or science subjects. However, they are mostly point-and-click or drag-and-drop activities. The interactive elements are helpful for students who have a kinesthetic/tactile learning preference, more so than most curricula. The units have interactive activities to help your child engage with learning. The AC programs are ideal for auditory and/or visual learners. These narrated visuals help students understand the topic. The audio narrations also have clear visuals too. The modules are all audio-visual in nature. The program’s design enhances your child’s engagement with the content. Each module follows a best practices for teaching. The program is based on research proven practices for effective teaching and learning. 2) Adaptive Curriculum (AC) for Science and MathĪC provides interactive science and math learning. If audio and visual matches your child’s preferred learning style and individual abilities, this is a great program to try. The videos help your child learn in a way that best suits him. This gives your child the choice of reading the lessons, listening to them, or reading along with the highlighted text. The highlighting of the words will help your child SEE the words as he hears them. All your child has to do is press a button to have the text read to him. They have highlighted-text-to-speech for the text within the course content. What makes Odysseyware educational programming unique? However, I believe the Odysseyware is the best option for Learning Abled Kids. There are several ADDITIONAL learning programs available through the GEN. It includes an unlimited number of courses for your child. The GEN offering provides a one year subscription. Odysseyware provides online educational learning modules with videos for children in through grades 3-12 (3rd through 12th). Odysseyware offered by Global Student Network provides a highly effective online visual learning solution for students with Dyslexia. It can also help kids with dyslexia or both LDs! Therefore, since Odysseyware has the text-to-speech function like an audiobook, the program is great for kids with ADHD. Research shows that children with ADHD benefit from audiobooks as much as children with dyslexia. These features help children with dyslexia or ADHD see the words as the speaker is speaking about the topic. The lessons include videos, audio reading, and text-to-speech with animated highlighting. Better yet, I hope it helps you find the programs you need! BEST WISHES and good luck in finding your child’s success programs! 😀 Three of the Best General Curriculum Options for ADHD, Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities (in an Audio Visual Format)ġ) Odysseyware offered by Global Student Network provides audio-visual lessons. I hope you find this listing of the best homeschool curriculum for adhd, dyslexia, etc., a helpful tool. However, you have to organize the lessons into a structured, daily lesson format. Their programs have content in a format that is easy for your child to use. Some of the programs are from “pick and choose” providers.

Then build a well rounded program for your child. SO, you’ll want notice which type of program each one is. Some of these sellers of the best homeschool curriculum for adhd options also have comprehensive home school programs. That way you can truly pick the best homeschool curriculum for adhd, for your child. So, it pays to consider ALL of your options. If your child is gifted, then the best homeschool curriculum for adhd may be at a higher grade level. Some children with learning difficulties are actually gifted! Even if your child struggles with reading, math, or another area, he can still study the same content as his typical peers.